Pina D’Intino

Creating the DEEP Community—Approaches to Effective Cultural and Systemic Changes Through Joint and Concrete Action

Participants of the DEEP 2012 Think Tank have said that more progress is needed and expressed a strong desire and need to unite through a community of experts. Using the DEEP white paper as a base and through a plurality of research methods including thematic review, the author has amalgamated findings, outcomes, insights and approaches that emerged from the DEEP 2012 conference and expanded on proposed strategies to identify priority themes and develop additional actions and recommendations for consideration and review by the DEEP community. An online DEEP Community portal has been developed where participants will continue the conversation. The DEEP community enables collaboration that enables participants to move forward by developing new strategies and approaches that can influence change while leveraging resources, standards, policies and best practices that already exist and open the discourse on what more can be done to support the UN CRPD and achieve accessibility globally.


Chitty, Nell