Andrei J. Dacko

Design of an inclusive content adoption recommendation tool (ICART) as a new paradigm for higher education “textbook” adoptions and related sales rep activities

In a period of transition from print to digital, content adoption in higher education is changing drastically and presents a unique set of challenges. The inertia created by decades of traditional textbook adoption practices coupled with the stark contrast of today’s millennial students and seemingly endless affordances of digital technology has created a complex new print-digital hybrid content adoption environment. For sales reps, professors and even publishers of higher education content, this relatively new content adoption environment is largely unmapped terrain that, together with figuring out how to successfully navigate it to achieve profitability, improved student outcomes and customer satisfaction, requires a shift from traditional content adoption mindset and practices toward a more inclusive and innovative approach. This project seeks to map the key stages of the content adoption process and propose a design for an inclusive content adoption recommendation tool (ICART) that enables sales reps to more knowledgeably and efficiently navigate each stage to achieve a more meaningful, value add adoption experience for professors and their students in today’s complex higher education hybrid content adoption environment.


Crosskey, Sarah


Derbyshire, Jan