Geordie Graham

A Process and Tool for Evaluation of Accessible User Expereince with Websites and Apps for Screen Reader Users who are Blind

Evaluating user experience (UX) during usability testing is an established practice towards designing more enjoyable information systems for end users. Currently no published process or tool exists for UX evaluation for users with disabilities. Accessible User Experience (AUX) focuses on integrating accessibility into UX design to create enjoyable digital experiences for everyone, regardless of age or ability. An exploration of the emotional experiences of six individuals who are blind was done through interviews, including hands- on sessions with websites/apps using their laptops/phones. An AUX evaluation tool was developed to measure Comfort,Likability, Autonomy, Agency and Pleasure, and feedback was obtained from interviewees.
This study also is an examination of‘pleasure points’, presenting an inclusive process for conducting AUX studies with participants who are blind.


De La Rocha, Catalina


Jackson, Anne