Arief Yulianto
Exploring Social Communication Culture of Indonesian Senior Immigrants
The ability to communicate with others is vital for a person’s emotional health and wellbeing. This project examined, through literature review and semi-structured interviews, the needs and constraints of senior Indonesian immigrants living in Toronto and the GTA for social communication. Findings revealed that they experience a high degree of social isolation due to following barriers: unfamiliarity with the English language, low educational levels, sub- optimal financial status and lack of technology skills. The need to design a simple, technology-based communication game for them was identified. Using an inclusive design approach, a Persona for an “extreme user” (lonely, widowed Indonesian senior) and related Social Life Experience Journey Map were developed. Through user testing sessions, a paper prototype of initial design for an iPad-based game was explored. Based on the feedback, an electronic prototype design of a refined word-building game was created. Although designed for seniors, this game can be played by all ages. http://openresearch.ocadu.ca/id/eprint/266/