Lu Chengyi
Designing An Assistive Naming App for Mandarin-Speaking Anomic Aphasia Patients
This Major Research Project is motivated by my lived experiences with my grandfather, an anomic aphasia patient, who experienced embarrassment and frustration in his daily life due to lost ability to recollect names of things and people. Starting with a literature review of popular anomia apps and supported by a user persona built based on my grandfather’s profile, I derived a “vocabulary database” in consultation with a speech-language pathologist, and designed a prototype mobile application iRemember, to assist anomic aphasia patients speaking Mandarin and English in recollecting names of daily life objects independently. The app affords searching its database for any real life object by taking a picture using the app and also to add items to the database with audio and text descriptions. The app offers service in Mandarin and English and will be useful to Chinese aphasia patients living in Canada or other English speaking regions who have lost one or both languages. Future work includes developing the prototype into a full-fledged app through a user-centered process, and enabling it in other languages. Keywords: anomic aphasia, communication, vocabulary, mobile app, assistive technologies, augmentative and alternative communication. http://openresearch.ocadu.ca/id/eprint/487/