Songfeng (Koni) Xie

Cat Housing: A Case for Inclusive Cohabitation

This major research project (MRP), focused on inclusive industrial design, is a continuation of the "Fumao Jihua" (福猫计划) or the “Cat's Paradise” Project for rescuing stray cats that I was engaged in between 2011 and 2013 in Xi'an, China. The project involved creation of modularized furniture for cats that could be used both at home and in rescue facilities. Primary research conducted in that project informs my MRP. Inspired by the Inclusive Design program, I expanded the idea and the function of the furniture to creating modularized, environment-friendly furniture that provides an inclusive space and environment for both humans and animals to cohabit in crowded city locations. To maximize the design, I created two versions, for use both indoors and outdoors. My designs could also be useful to children with autism, because close habitation with pets is reported to be therapeutic. Future work includes conducting social experiments on the use of the furniture in public places. Keywords: inclusive design, industrial design, animal rescue, cat, furniture, autism therapy, pet therapy.


Willow, Jacob