Alis Panjatevakupt

Your Tactile Story Tray: Collaborative Tactile Images to Share with Blind and Visually Impaired People

Sharing a picture book can be a valuable social and educational activity for young children. However, blind and visually impaired people cannot fully participate because of their physical barrier. Tactile picture books are available, but are expensive and have limited options. To address this, this project investigates using 3D printed magnetized shapes with a metal tray as an alternative way to create a versatile and user-focused storytelling experience. The objective of this research is to develop a tactile system of representation of characters and their environment to empower blind and sighted family members to share in the creation of narrative. Our results show that this approach has the potential to help them share their stories and imagination through tactile images. The prototypes created form the basis for further investigation of new methods of making tactile picture books for the blind and visually-impaired.


Mutsuddy, AM


Shah, Nahin