Qi Chen

Improving Online Learning Experience through Enhanced Interactivity: Supporting Students from China to Participate Effectively in MOOCs

A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a course of study made available over the Internet without charge to a very large number of people. MOOCs offer open access to course materials and provide an interactive learning environment. While they attract learners from around the globe, MOOCs are not always designed to accommodate their diverse backgrounds and needs. This project examined the limitations in current MOOCs from the perspective of problems faced by Chinese MOOC users. Based on an environmental scan of MOOCs, analysis of published reports about major MOOCs, and lessons drawn from personal experience as a Chinese student and language tutor in North America, design guidelines for MOOC structure and MOOC interaction interfaces were created. These guidelines will be useful to online education providers and system developers when designing or developing online courses. An orientation guide for new Chinese MOOC users was also prepared in the form of a booklet. http://openresearch.ocadu.ca/id/eprint/142/


Chan, Karman


Cheuk-Wing Li, Ambrose