Ahmed Ghalib
Enhancing Inclusive Design in Emergency Department Waiting Areas: a mixed methods architectural study of five Toronto hospitals
This inclusive design MRP study explores the architectural and interior design factors affecting the patient experience in hospital Emergency Department (ED) Waiting Areas in the Great Toronto Area (GTA). The phenomenologically-based qualitative study included site observation and analysis; visual semiotic analyses of waiting room images; and studies of users’ experiences using a participatory research method to empower participants and marginalized individuals’ contributions. The study offers insight into architectural and interior design affordances for creating more optimal, sensitive, and inclusive ED Waiting Areas. Results include a set of recommendations for improving the patient experience. The study provides evidence that the ED Waiting Room is often overlooked and under-developed. It presents concepts that designers can utilize to create environments that are less stressful and more sensitive to the patient experience. Specific recommendations include flexible and comfortable furniture, privacy enhancement, a children’s area, and positive distraction elements. http://openresearch.ocadu.ca/id/eprint/2409/